Posts tagged travel
Nuqui, Colombia: How to get there, what to do, where to stay and recommendations.

Nuqui is located 184 km from Quibdo, the capital of Chocó, one of Colombia’s departments. 

One of the main activities in the area is Whale Watching, which is done in the months between July and October. Humpback whales swim approximately 8,500 kilometers from Antarctica to arrive at the pacific coast of Colombia and give birth to their calves in these warmer waters. 

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Purace Volcano

There are two options to go up the volcano. One is walking from the mine which is located at 11,800 feet above sea level. This trek would take approximately 5 hours, so we only recommended for people who are in very good shape or have experience hiking at high altitudes. The second option is to start at the military base and start the trek from there. It takes approximately 2 hours to reach the crater depending on experience and physical shape.

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